On the 7 March, we will be starting a 2pm Sunday Gathering to allow more people to church on-site!
Here’s some things to note:
a. It’ll have all the same elements as the 8.30/10.45am less kids’ talk
b. Only online giving
c. It won’t be live streamed
d. No childminding or creche
e. Priority booking for 4 groups of people from Sunday 6pm to Monday 5pm. The signup link will be sent by your small group leaders.
Planters & BANG teachers – priority booking for 8.30am
SEED, Jesus Club, BANG parents & their kids – priority booking for 10.45am
For the rest of us who are not in these categories, tickets are open to all on Monday 5pm. The signup link willl be sent by your small group leaders and also made available via FB and IG.
f. Gathering arrival timings:
Zone A & B to arrive at 1.30pm.
Zone C to arrive at 1.45pm.
g. No parking and no F&B in the premises.
h. Use Trace Together! We will need to perform safe entry using the Trace Together App or the token. Please make sure you download the app/bring your token for check in! https://www.tracetogether.gov.sg/
See you at Church!