The Elders are pleased to make the following announcement:

The Elders have approached brother Li Jiansheng to consider taking up eldership and we are glad to announce that he has agreed to accept the role with the intention of strengthening our church leadership and pastoral care ministry as God has blessed our church with an increase in numbers.

Jiansheng joined BCBA in 2013 and was baptised in 1999. He is married to Stephanie and have two children, Enxuan and Ezekiel. Currently, Jiansheng serves as a CCG Leader and as an Elder Apprentice. As has been our church practice, we are making this announcement of the new appointment for your information and prayer.

Also, should any member be aware of anything concerning the nominated office bearer that is pertinent for the Council of Elders to know and consider before confirming Jiansheng’s appointment, please inform Elder David Choo or Elder Phang Yew Wai within the next two weeks. 

We value your prayers for Jiansheng, Stephanie, Enxuan and Ezekiel. God willing, we will be commissioning Jiansheng to the eldership on Sunday, 1 January 2023.

The Elders have also approached our other Elder Apprentice, Daryl Goh to take up eldership. He is still prayerfully considering this.

Thank you. 

The Council of Elders

18 December 2022

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