Cling to God’s word and his promises. A pastoral note by Tom Conyers

Dear BA Family,

What a year 2021 has been! I arrived in Singapore with my family in mid-February, shortly after our Church’s new Vision, Mission and Method was launched. Ivan shared it with me prior to the launch and my wife and I thought “That’s exactly the kind of church we want to join!” And we’re so glad we did!

As I reflect on the past year, I’m so thankful for the privilege to serve in the role of Equip pastor. I’ve loved all the opportunities to equip such a large number of faithful brothers and sisters who are so keen to learn and to serve.

Given the many set-backs we’ve faced this year, with COVID restrictions returning again and again, it’s easy for us to lose heart, and run out of steam. Simply turning up for Sunday gatherings can be hard enough, let alone going the extra mile to attend additional training.

Yet, I’ve been so encouraged to see so many of you persevere with coming in person for Sunday gatherings, attending small groups, and even doing additional training courses on top of this, like Just For Newcomers (JFN), Looking Into Full-Time (LIFT), or the Ministry Training Course (MTC).

Back in our March Equip month, I had the pleasure of attending the Ministry of the Pew course. Many more of you have done this course through our Just for Newcomers sessions. It was a great reminder that everyone one of us has an important role to play in building each other up to maturity, and helping each other persevere through the hard times.

As we face the discouragements of the pandemic, please know that your church family needs your encouragement, just as you need encouragement from others in our church family too.

As Paul says in Colossians 3:16, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”

Notice that in this verse it is the job of every church member to teach and admonish every other church member. We all have an important role to play. Even though we can’t sing out loud together yet, let’s take Paul’s words to heart. Cling to God’s word and his promises that they might dwell in us richly. Let’s keep teaching and admonishing another with God’s word, with thankfulness for all that God has done for us in King Jesus.

Circumstances may change, but our Vision, Mission and Method has not. We still long to see everyone moved closer to King Jesus, as we prayerfully speak God’s word to one another. I’m still convinced this what God calls us to do, and I’m thankful to be part of a church that is persevering in this work of the gospel. Praying for you.

Your brother,
Tom Conyers

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