Sunday English Gatherings

We’d love for you to join us.

Our Sunday Gatherings

Every Sunday we gather to listen to the Word, sing praises to God and talk to him in prayer to help one another move towards King Jesus.

Our three Sunday English gatherings bring people from all different backgrounds and stages in life. Our gatherings are centred around expository bible teaching and includes singing the Word with both traditional hymns and contemporary songs. Everyone is welcome!

Sunday Gatherings

8.30am | 10.45am | 2.00pm

Welcome to our English Gatherings! We look forward to having you join us. 

Current Sermon Series: Salvation belongs to the Lord

5 January to 26 January 2025

8.30am  |  10.45am  |  2.00pm

The book of Jonah is full of fishy business. Jonah is a prophet who struggles with his God-given task of proclaiming God’s Word to the evil people of Nineveh. And so he runs as far away as he can to prevent perishing Nineveh from being saved. But God catches him with a fish and offers him a second chance at hearing and heeding God’s Word so that evil Nineveh can be saved. The story ends with Nineveh saved but Jonah angry enough to die!


Come join us for our Jonah sermon series as we look at this fishy story that reveals God’s heart & Jonah’s heart and in so doing, challenges us to re-think what it looks like to live in our Creator’s world.


Sermon Samples

Ecclesiastes 1:12-2:26

Sermon Series Samples

Word in Song

We love to sing songs that are theologically full and biblically rich—songs that teach about what God has done in Jesus Christ. We want the word of Christ to dwell in us richly as we sing with thankfulness in our hearts to God (Colossians 3:16).

Roy Chang

Sunday Gatherings Pastor and Music Director